About Plant Culture

My name is Anjeanette but my friends call me Una. My love for plants started when I was a child watching my mom care for and grow beautiful plants. I’ve discovered my own ability to grow plants and have been sharing my love and knowledge with others for many years. I also have a background in landscape design and interior design, I love to paint canvases and I am just crafty. I wanted to open a place where other creatives can have fun designing their own plant masterpieces.
On my journey to opening Plant Culture, I have met up with some amazing artisans whose goods will be offered in the store. I am really excited to support local and connect with our community.

The Goal Of Plant Culture

I created Plant Culture to be a place where our growing community can find common unity. I designed this space for people who enjoy plants and have a love for art. Our goal is to provide a place to come together and to make connections, to expand creativity, and to embrace the relaxing and rewarding hobby of growing plants.